Easy Care Crypts?


Fish Botherer
Dec 8, 2012
Reaction score
Since my tank is taking forever to cycle, I've got time on my hands to think ahead about plants and such :) So I have a question about crypts.

I'm looking for easy care plants that grow in hard water and don't need strong lighting or ferts. This is my first tank so I'd like to start off with something simple. My initial research turned up a few plants that would do well in hard water without special requirements and one of them was Cryptocoryne Beckettii. I was planning to use it as a foreground plant.

Anyway, my local MA has a good selection of plants including several species of Crypt, but no Beckettii :(

Are there any other species of Crypt that would make a good subsitute? I'm chiefly looking for something that will thrive in my hard pH 8+ water and under my 15W tank lights without much fuss.
Pretty much all crypts will do fine, they will melt once they're in but that's crypts for you, they'll all grow back. :)
Thanks, I've based most of my stocking decisions from this page, which mentions beckettii specifically, so I assumed that the different crypt species must have widely diverging needs. If not then that gives me a lot more freedom! :)
Becketti I think is just a, if not the most common crypt nevellii is another I would recommend both similar except ones red ones green :)

But as Steve says all crypts are easy growing in almost all conditions but with a low tech low light tank don't expect much to grow fast it will be like watching a snail race another snail if you get what I mean :) but yes crypts are an amazing foreground plant

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