Early Stages Of Dropsy?!


Fish Herder
Aug 19, 2011
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So my fantail goldfish, Smokey, has been losing his colour recently and hiding away. When my other goldfish are sucking up gravel, looking for food, etc, smokey is either behind a rock or wiggling slowly at the surface of the water... My other goldfish are fine.

Only today I have noticed that his scales are juuuuust starting to stick out! :no:

I have moved him to a small hospital tank (with mature media) and added the correct dose of Melafix. I assume that I am dealing with the early stages of dropsy, because he has not yet started bloating.

Should I also add a little bit of aquarium salt? Is it possible to treat dropsy in the early stages? He is still eating.

Thank you

Oh, also here is some pics of him (when he was healthy)




And here is him currently: As you can see, he has lost his gorgeous dark colour, he is a lovely little fella' and I really don't want him to die :-(

It's hard to get on camera but you can kind of see the scales starting to stick out.



Come on guys, 39 views and no replies? Mean. -_-
Looks like it to me. As far as I understand, dropsy is fluid retention caused by other internal problems. I dont know if melafix or salt would be enough though.
He doesn't look good. I have a weak filter in there and it keeps sucking him up, he's just floating around now. I am dreading going to see him in the morning.

I will say goodbye tonight, just in case. :-(

Sorry to hear that. Its never nice to loose a fish is it, but dropsy is almost impossible to treat without antibiotics. Even then it is hard as it is normally too late once it starts to show.

Hope he pulls through, he looks like he was a nice fish.
Thanks, I don't hold out much hope. He is just floating, like he has already given up. :sad:
Poor Smokey, I hope he's OK. He does look a bit swolled. He will always be remembered as the fish who liked flayks though. :(
Try a dip in epsom salts. It will draw out some of the fluid. Here is a good how to on dosing and what not. It may not cure him, but it will relieve the fluid so he can get treament and hopefully survive. http://www.ehow.com/how_5511323_treat-dropsy-using-epsom-salt.html
Try a dip in epsom salts. It will draw out some of the fluid. Here is a good how to on dosing and what not. It may not cure him, but it will relieve the fluid so he can get treament and hopefully survive. http://www.ehow.com/how_5511323_treat-dropsy-using-epsom-salt.html

I posted above, he died last night.. :sad: :/

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