Dying Guppies


New Member
Aug 26, 2012
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I have a five gallon tank. I know that I'm supposed to have one inch of fish per gallon of water. So I have four guppies, all under an inch long, just to be safe. But for some reason, my guppies keep on dying rather quickly. I'm not sure why this is. The water temperature and pH level is at the required levels and I even added this special salt that's supposed to make the guppies gills function better. My filter is working properly as well. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I can't really afford to buy a bigger tank, because my mother won't let me. So is my tank to small? Or is something else at work here? If it is too small, how many guppies should I be allowed to have in a tank of that size at a time? Please help me. I have a seven year old sister and I can't afford to have her come home to another dead fish.
sorry for your losses, is your tank cycled, what are your water stats, ammonia, nitrite ect, have you done a water change, did you use temperature matched dechlorinated water?
Water temperature is 78 degrees, tank is cycled, pH is 7.0 and they always die the day after I get them so I don't really have the time to do a water change. And yes there is no chlorine in the water. Only this special salt that is supposed to help gill function.
personally i wouldnt bother with salt, how did you cycle the tank was a fishless cycle using ammonia or was it a fish in cycle?
Hi, I just researched cycling and I had previously thought it was just a matter of putting in a good filter. After reading I realized that its a lot more involved than I previously thought. How would you suggest I go about cycling my tank?
Hi there
You need to add some filter material to your existing filter that has already been cycled. There is a link in the beginners section of this forum which explains everything. There is also a list of people willing to donate cycled filter material, ie sponge, floss etc., in your area.

Hope this helps


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