New Member
Okay so I finally got my 36 gallon stocked (after impatiently waiting for it to cycle). Now I'm finding dead fish. So far 2 harlequin rasboras and my rainbow shark. I checked the levels yesterday and everything seemed fine except the pH is a little high. When the first rasbora died I didn't think that much of it honestly. Especially since the levels were fine. Same with the shark. Again I checked the levels and everything looked normal except like I said the pH. But with the shark I originally had him in a 10 gal tank that had the same pH and he was just peachy. I know now I need to lower the pH, so will be going to buy pH stuff (suggestions on that?). But today I found the second rasbora. The rest of the tank is stocked as follows: 4 fancy guppies, 3 dalmatian mollies, 1 dwarf gourami, and 4 harlequin rasboras (at least that's how many there's supposed to be; I can only find 3). Please help.