Hello everyone,
I've had my tank around 3 months now - I'm relatively new to tropical fish.
In any case, a few weeks ago I bought three Dwarf Honey Gourami for my tank.
They were in very healthy condition, and were a pure golden colour - they were purchased from a reputable fish store.
However, one of the Gourami had a slightly discoloured scale on its side, but I dismissed it thinking it was nothing to worry about.
A few weeks later, I find my Gouramis turning black/dark brown!
See picture below:
(Apologies if the pictures are slightly blurry, he wouldn't stop moving!)
This particular fish is the one who shows the most discolouration, especially at the front of its pelvic fin.
The two others have a smaller amount, but still enough to be significant.
I've had a look around, and the general consensus seems to be that this is what happens to male Gourami when they are about to make a bubble nest.
However, of the pictures I've seen, none look as discoloured as mine, and the fact that all three are changing colour worries me.
I don't yet have a water test kit myself, but all my other fish appear to be doing fine, and the tank is fully cycled.
Could anybody advise? I'd greatly appreciate any information you could give me - I'd be very sad if I lost them.
Thank you!
I've had my tank around 3 months now - I'm relatively new to tropical fish.
In any case, a few weeks ago I bought three Dwarf Honey Gourami for my tank.
They were in very healthy condition, and were a pure golden colour - they were purchased from a reputable fish store.
However, one of the Gourami had a slightly discoloured scale on its side, but I dismissed it thinking it was nothing to worry about.
A few weeks later, I find my Gouramis turning black/dark brown!
See picture below:

(Apologies if the pictures are slightly blurry, he wouldn't stop moving!)
This particular fish is the one who shows the most discolouration, especially at the front of its pelvic fin.
The two others have a smaller amount, but still enough to be significant.
I've had a look around, and the general consensus seems to be that this is what happens to male Gourami when they are about to make a bubble nest.
However, of the pictures I've seen, none look as discoloured as mine, and the fact that all three are changing colour worries me.
I don't yet have a water test kit myself, but all my other fish appear to be doing fine, and the tank is fully cycled.
Could anybody advise? I'd greatly appreciate any information you could give me - I'd be very sad if I lost them.
Thank you!