Dwarf Gourami Stressed


New Member
Jun 8, 2011
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I bought two Dwarf Gouramis in January last year and they've been doing fine until around 6 weeks ago the male Gourami started hiding a bit more than normal and lost all his colour. He still comes out for food and is 'acting' fine when swimming around.
Around May time I bought 6 Tiger Barbs having read many conflicting reports on their compatibility with Dwarf Gouramis. Haven't had any problems between them although the Tiger Barbs did pick on one of the Barbs with the result that he had to be 'put down' due to the fin damage (couldn't swim properly) although I never witnessed any of the aggression - must've been whenever I was out of the room!?!
The tank is a Juwel 125 and has plenty of hiding spaces with live and plastic plants as well as a rock feature which he likes to go under. I do 33% water changes ever 7-10 days and feed them frozen food 2x a week. Last check on water quality was ammonia 0, nitrite 0 and nitrate 40. Temperature is a bit low for Gouramis at 23C as I have minnows but its constant at that temp and not fluctuating.
I'm not sure what the problem is - like I say when he's swimming around he gets on fine with the Barbs. If its disease I would have thought that it would have manifested itself with other symptoms by now? Any ideas as to what I can do to get to the bottom of the problem?
Thanks in advance

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