Dwarf Gourami Going Grey And Blotchy


Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2012
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Hi there

I added two dwarf gouramis to my tank 7 days ago. They are the regular blue and orange type.

One of them has developed a lot of grey blotchy marks, varying from a cream colour to a dark grey, mainly around his head, but some on his body. There is no signs of fungus or ulcers and his general behaviour looks normal, ie swimming, exploring, eating. The other one and the rest of the fish are fine. I wondered if he had been in a bad fight and ended up with lots of scuffs, but he's the biggest fish in the tank and none of the other fish seem to be interested in him, so I doubt this has actually happened.

Water stats are
ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5ppm

I noticed this the morning after I had accidentally left the aquarium light on all night. I'm not sure whether the lack of sleep has stressed him. Although that was 2 days ago now and the colour hasn't come back.

Diet is varied between flake, dried worms and frozen lavae.

any ideas what this is and whether he will return to his correct colour.
Hi there

I added two dwarf gouramis to my tank 7 days ago. They are the regular blue and orange type.

One of them has developed a lot of grey blotchy marks, varying from a cream colour to a dark grey, mainly around his head, but some on his body. There is no signs of fungus or ulcers and his general behaviour looks normal, ie swimming, exploring, eating. The other one and the rest of the fish are fine. I wondered if he had been in a bad fight and ended up with lots of scuffs, but he's the biggest fish in the tank and none of the other fish seem to be interested in him, so I doubt this has actually happened.

Water stats are
ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5ppm

I noticed this the morning after I had accidentally left the aquarium light on all night. I'm not sure whether the lack of sleep has stressed him. Although that was 2 days ago now and the colour hasn't come back.

Diet is varied between flake, dried worms and frozen lavae.

any ideas what this is and whether he will return to his correct colour.

The other fish aren't driving him away? What does his poop look like? Is slime sloughing off or trailing from the fish? Post a picture if you can. I'd expect at least some amount of aggression between two male DGs.
Hi there

I added two dwarf gouramis to my tank 7 days ago. They are the regular blue and orange type.

One of them has developed a lot of grey blotchy marks, varying from a cream colour to a dark grey, mainly around his head, but some on his body. There is no signs of fungus or ulcers and his general behaviour looks normal, ie swimming, exploring, eating. The other one and the rest of the fish are fine. I wondered if he had been in a bad fight and ended up with lots of scuffs, but he's the biggest fish in the tank and none of the other fish seem to be interested in him, so I doubt this has actually happened.

Water stats are
ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5ppm

I noticed this the morning after I had accidentally left the aquarium light on all night. I'm not sure whether the lack of sleep has stressed him. Although that was 2 days ago now and the colour hasn't come back.

Diet is varied between flake, dried worms and frozen lavae.

any ideas what this is and whether he will return to his correct colour.

The other fish aren't driving him away? What does his poop look like? Is slime sloughing off or trailing from the fish? Post a picture if you can. I'd expect at least some amount of aggression between two male DGs.

Their poops look fine. However, I think its probably too late. The other one that didn't fade, is lying at the bottom of the tank now on his side, so expecting him to die shortly. No doubt the other one will follow. This is the second time DG's have ded within a week of getting them. Think I will try some other types of fish instead, obviously something going on in my tank that is now showing on the readings. I am a bit disappointed though as the water stats and temp are all correct this time, so I wasn't expecting problems so soon

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