What kinds of dwarf cichlids can I keep in a 10 gallon? I've heard apistos might work, is that true? Any others? And l also, can I keep tankmates with the dwarfs if they are in a 10 gallon?
a pair of apistos, or a pair of rams should do fine but i don't recommend tanks mates due to breeding aggression. if you really want tank mates then just get a lone apisto/ram and some tetras. and make sure its planted so when the male ram gets territorial the other fish can hide.
I agree with Zante. If you put them in a tank that's too small they'll end up fighting each other for territory. My daughter has a 23 Gallon tank and I wouldn't put them in there...
Thanks everyone! I know people have said not to put any...but I think I might try anyways haha. Sorry! If it doesn't work out I always have a back up plan lol. But I think I'll try the rams or apistos, and tell you guys how it went down.
i have kept a pair of german rams in a 10g no problem, but that's just my experience. the males get territorial at times but then the female just chills in the plants on the other side of the tank.
I agree with bigger fish. A lone pair is doable depending on your tank's measurements. No different than putting a pair of Oscars in a 6ftx2ftx2ft really.