Dusting & Hoovering....

June FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Fish Maniac
Mar 4, 2005
Reaction score
It has become apparent that the salty section is missing a dominate thread whereby members can show off their aquariums with out being cluttered up with replies and irrelevant off topic information so I would like to re-address that missing link by providing a specific area for such members that would like to catalogue their pride and joy in a more sterile environment.
I have started a new pinned topic
Objective is to show a nice clean thread of all your tanks
If you feel there are any additional sub headings we could add without cluttering it up too much then please specify
Is this something you would like to see and participate in, please express your views
there has really been a lot of irrelevant info lately...

Sure I'll particpate. However I think we should be able to post more than one photo(when I read it earlier, it said only 1 photo). Say a beginning photo and then the poster could state another shot after XX amount of months after things have drastically changed or things have grown over a few months. Say a few month by month photos to show major changes in their own slot(thread) should be ok?? Puts the collective growth all together and not spaced out over so many pages in the original thread.

Just a thought :)
Just one photo for now kj please
otherwise these threads will also be cluttered.
Its not meant to be a full account just an overview.

its a great idea colin, and when my camera is charged i'll be adding mine. :good:

i for one would like to see a gallery of just pics of members tanks, and then by clicking on the pic would lead to more info etc.. but i imagine this is not possible and i guess most people would prefer the information to accompany the photo.

as for the headings, i'll see if i can think of any whilst i'm adding my information.
Just one photo for now kj please
otherwise these threads will also be cluttered.
Its not meant to be a full account just an overview.

oh ok. I was thinking just 3 or 4 shots.

And then the link would take someone to how it ended up that way in the pictures.

People could take out shots as they want to change them.

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