

New Member
May 23, 2012
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Can Bolivian Rams, Swordtails, and Ito Catfish be kept in the same tank. I want to of each, and if I can what tank size?
Rams and swordtails fine, I also have glass cats with them but not heard of ito?
Sorry I meant oto, short for otocinclus. (Auto correct) . Thanks for the info.
I never had bolivian rams,but i did i quick search and aparently its quite adaptable to ph between 6 and 8, unlike the actual ram cichlid wich is not has forgivable.
With that in mind yes you can mix them together.
And otocinclus you can too. I've had it in ph 7.0 with no problems.
Do bare in mind that ottos are famous for suddenly dying with no apparent explanation.
Thanks aquamaniac. Do you have any suggestions for any other small catfish that wont die for no explanation. Do you know what good tank size would be if I got two of each fish ( or 2 other catfish same size as Otto)
Ok so I looked up some algae eaters and found Siamese Algae Eater. What are your all opinions about it(everyone). Thanks.
I have bolivan rams in with cherry barbs, lampeyed tetras, cories, and kuhlis and the rams are the most docile fish in the bunch. i dont see why it would be an issue.
Tank size would vary on how much you are wanting to keep with them. a pair of bolivians can be kept alone in a 15-20g tank. I have mine in a 47g, but I also have 10 lampeyed tetras, 6 buenos aires tetras, 10 cherry barbs, and 13 cories. propose a stocking plan of exactly what you want and how many, and we can better assist you with finding an adequate tank size :)
Can Bolivian Rams, Swordtails, and Ito Catfish be kept in the same tank. I want to of each, and if I can what tank size?

From that list, your minimum tank size will be determined long term by the Swordtails, who not only should reach ~12cm but they are lively and a little fiesty with one another (not to mention the moral dilemma about dealing with all the fry that will be born in a mixed sex group). I would be looking at a 3-foot at the very least, but a larger volume 4-footer like a Rio240 would be more preferable.
Oh when I said I want to of each I meant to say two. And thanks everyone. And (to everyone). Of course, I want a plant aquarium. And as I said I want two swordtails, two bolivians, and two Otto's. Thanks.
Oto's do best in larger groups, if you have space I'd up those to at least 5
Thanks Cazgar. I don't know if I will get Otto's then. I look some more.

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