

New Member
Dec 5, 2012
Reaction score
Nokesville, VA
Ive have a black platy for about a month now with no problems. About a week ago she got injured by something (probably gourami) and had a couple of damaged scales. Because of this I've been watching he extra closely every day. Her damaged scales are repared but I've noticed her scales all appear to be slightly lifted. Nothing close to the "pineconing" I've seen pictures of, but enough that it looks like the scales cast a slight shadow under the right light. I cant see them lifted when looking down at her from above, but not perfectly smooth like skin the way the other fish look.

There are no other symptoms of illness. She is bigger, but that would also be right on track for pregnancy too. She does not have clamped fins, eats normally and swims normally.

Is dropsy the only thing to cause this with the scales? Or is it normal, but more visible on her because she is black? She is also courted pretty mercilessly by the tank male, could stress damage her slime coat to make it look like the scales arent perfectly smooth?

Any insight is appreciated!

20 gallons
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 15
76 f

Most reactions
