I'm trying to figure out if I should be dosing my tank with additional fertilisers. It's a 50L tank, Fluval 2Plus Internal Filter, 5 White Cloud Mountain Minnows, temperature 21-23.5C (I don't use my heater, but unavoidably the tank light does heat the water...it might even go to 24C), and the tank light is a Sun-glo 15W T8. Tank light is on 7 hours a day, 2pm-9pm.
Plants are a mixture of java fern, amazon sword plants (Byron suggested Echinodorus grisebachii), another sword plant I don't know the names of, elodea and some grass-like plants (I have no idea of the name again).
I dose with Seachem Flourish Comprehensive once a week, ~1ml the day after my weekly water change, more than 24 hours after the Prime has gone into the tank with the replacement water as it might 'detoxify' the fertiliser (and defeat the point of me using fertiliser). I am noticing that, in particular, the java fern don't do too well, with chlorosis developing on the leaves as well as leaves going light green/white.I do have to bury the rhizome partly into the gravel or the plant will just be sitting on top, and will get disturbed during a water change - maybe I'll phase them out as this is probably no good.
Do I need to dose with further Seachem Flourish Comprehensive, or would other fertiliser in addition to what I already dose be necessary? What to look out for and how much to dose to begin with?
Plants are a mixture of java fern, amazon sword plants (Byron suggested Echinodorus grisebachii), another sword plant I don't know the names of, elodea and some grass-like plants (I have no idea of the name again).
I dose with Seachem Flourish Comprehensive once a week, ~1ml the day after my weekly water change, more than 24 hours after the Prime has gone into the tank with the replacement water as it might 'detoxify' the fertiliser (and defeat the point of me using fertiliser). I am noticing that, in particular, the java fern don't do too well, with chlorosis developing on the leaves as well as leaves going light green/white.I do have to bury the rhizome partly into the gravel or the plant will just be sitting on top, and will get disturbed during a water change - maybe I'll phase them out as this is probably no good.
Do I need to dose with further Seachem Flourish Comprehensive, or would other fertiliser in addition to what I already dose be necessary? What to look out for and how much to dose to begin with?