Done catching livebearers


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Global Moderator ⚒️
Sep 13, 2016
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Just finished catching those different livebearers for tomorrow’s Poecilia meeting.

And let’s see what new assets I’ll be coming home with…
The species I'm bringing along are:
Ginga rubra guppies blond, Cumana rainbow endlers (the only official endlers that are called "rainbow endlers"), Wild guppies Rio Caquetá, Wild guppies Rio Tocantins, Poecilia obscura, cardinal endlers and Santa Maria endlers.
Came home today with my new assests. A number of those livebearers are fresh blood for my existing populations.

Today's purchases:
A bag full of plants, two mini sponge filters, a tank (30 x 20 x15cm) for some dwarf livebearers, blood worms, proteine granulate, Poecilia kempkesi, Girardinus uninotatus, Xiphophorus pygmaeus, Xiphophorus continens, Xiphophorus kalmanni, Xiphophorus signum, Xenotoca doadrioi, Limia nigrofasciata, Phallichthys pittieri, Phallichthys tico, Girardinus metallicus, Xiphophorus montezumae, Xiphophorus variatus Tampico, Xiphophorus variatus La laguna, Xiphophorus variatus Puente escalanar and tuxedo red koi guppies.
Wow! Look at all that stuff. You must have spent a small fortune. Have fun getting your newest livebearers set up.
A hobby costs money and when it becomes a passion, it will cost more money...
But one can control his/her spendings on the hobby for sure...

But yes, today was about spending money... 😊
Thank you...

Well, to be honest... You're not wrong...! Took more home than I brought along...😅
we're terrible aren't we :)

I used to sell to a few shops and there were times I would take several hundred fish to them and come home with more than that :)
LOL! In two weeks from now, I'll have a fancy guppy meeting. I'm curious of what I will bring back home then...
just more of the same, I'm sure :)

the real problem starts when you have to have your friend come to the meetings as well because he has a van to put all the new fish in because they don't fit in your car :)

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