Does This Stock Work


Fish Fanatic
Apr 25, 2012
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
In my 10 gallon would these fish work together? And i am not adding all these fish but these are what i am down to

Dwarf guarami
Balloon molly

Thanks, and i am aware of the importance of sexing livebearers!
Not in my opinion, no...

  • Many if not all danio species are very zippy fish, I would not be comfortable housing them long term in anything shorter than a 3-foot, ideally 4-foot. I felt so guilty two years ago when I had to quarantine my Pearl Danios in a 2-foot for a month, it cramped their style so much, when they began life with me in a Rio240 4-foot tank which they used fully in less than a couple of seconds even against the strong current.
  • Mollies become quite chunky ~12cm fish as they get older, plus they can be a bit fiesty, so again 3-foot but ideally longer.
  • Platties can be fiesty, so 3-foot minimum, in my opinion.
  • A single Dwarf/Honey Gourami could work.
  • Guppies could possibly work, perhaps upto 5 or 6 at a push with a single Gourami, but if males are comfortable in trios I would go for the smaller number than 5.
  • I could not say if shrimps would be safe with any gourami species, I know very little about them, although Cameroon Fan Shrimp (Atya gabonesis) are on my own wishlist providing they would be safe with my African riverine fish.

Have to say I'm not a big fan of small tanks like these, especially if they are being used by someone without much experience in the hobby (I still class myself in that pidgeonhole, only been keeping fish for just oer two years). Small volume tanks can become toxic quicker than you can say ammonia/nitrite spike, I started with a 240l for this reason and whenever I used my 2-foot 54l long term, I always tried to keep the stocking low.
Like I wrote above, 1 Honey Gourami with as small a group of male Guppies as are comfortable (I really don't know how social or fiesty they are with each other, 6 is normally considered the minimum for the likes of corydoras or tetras for example).
There are loads of options for 10g tanks, but you have to be sensible with it.

A shoal of 10 or 12 of any of these would work; dwarf emerald rasboras, chili rasboras, celestial pearl or glowlight danios (both of those are short distance 'darters', rather than long distance swimmers like the zebra, IME), ember tetras, green or normal neons, male Endlers or guppies, featherfin rainbows, sparkling gouramis, splashing tetras.

How hard is your water, OP?
You could get a Betta? and a small shoal of maybe some Pygmy Corys? Or small shoalers like the ones Fluttermouth suggested. Just make sure add the Betta last or he'll claim the whole tank as his territory and you may then get agression issues when you add the other fish.

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