Does This Sound Right ?


Mostly New Member
Mar 3, 2014
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Hey all hope you are all well ?
I'm in the process of fishless cycling and finally the ammonia levels started to drop and nitrite and nitrate started to rise. Hurrah !!
After a few days I noticed the ammonia level had got to less than 0.25 ppm and nitrite was 5 ppm + ,and now my nitrate has risen to around 80 ppm.Following the guide on this site I have done a 50% water change and added the original amount of ammonia again. I will retest it tomorrow around the same time.
Does this sound like its going the right way?
Or have I messed it all up ?
Also one other thing is that the PH level has dropped from 7.2 ish done to around 6.4 ish ?
Thanks for any advice !!
pH changes are common during the cycling process. Unless your pH crashes or spikes, it shouldn't be much of an issue. See how hard your water is. This makes a difference with the way your pH stabilizes.
It all seems right to me, though.

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