Right so a bit of background history. When my fiance shut his tank down I inherited his fish.
A total of
2x Adult female mollies and about 50 babies.
4x Female Jordanella floridae(Flagfish)
1x Farlowella catfish
100+ Cherry Shrimp
1x Male platy.
I re-homed the mollies as they were bullying everyone else in the tank.
The four flagfish became three.... The three I have now bullied the fourth to death. Now they are ripping everyone else to shreds including the third flagfish. Yep, they bullied the fourth and now two are bullying the third. I know they can be a bit aggressive but they were fine for weeks and then this. All hell has broke loose in my tank because of these flagfish. I desperately wanted to keep them but I eventually decided to re-home. And then there's this. I spotted this on Friday and so now I'm stuck with them until I either figure it out or she heals.
In the time since spotting it I have meth blue bathed her, thinking it was fungal and it would show up. Nope... There is no visible external injury, just the very obvious lump which seems to be underneath.
It literally appeared overnight. Thursday night they were all fine, Friday morning she was like this. She's still swimming fine, eating, acting normal, etc... In the time that this has happened all three flagfish have gone mental against my other fish! My poor betta is shredded, he's more plakat than halfmoon now. My female guppy* is practically crowntailed right now...
I am at a loss, I have IAL in the tank but nothing is helping anyone while the fighting is still going on and the fighting won't stop until the flagfish are gone but the flagfish can't go until she's healed! Help?!
Tank stats
Size: 2ft - 15 gallons.
Temperature: 26c - 78.8f.
Parameters: Ammonia - 0ppm, Nitrite - 0ppm, Nitrate - Between 5-10ppm.
Fish/Invert Stock: Admittedly overstocked currently. Still thinning them out.
1x Female guppy - Planned re-home when healed.
4x Male Endler Hybrids - Strangely not interested in the female and not had any fry from them.
1x Male Betta.
1x Farlowella Catfish.
2x Otocinclus catfish.
3x Platies - 1 male, 2 female - No fry.
3x Female Flagfish.
100+ Cherry Shrimp.
About 5 Assassin Snails - Probably more, I never see more than five but I have seen empty egg pockets...
Plant/Decor Stock: Rocks, redmoor wood and the following plants.
Cryptocoryne beckettii
Nymphoides ap. "Taiwan".
Hygrophila polysperma
Hygrophila corymbosa
Pictures: Below are pictures of her injury. I had to take her out, put her in a small clear pot on top of the wire lid(don't even ask about that lol) so that the light was behind her to look at her bone structure and see if there was visible breakage. There seems to be something there but I'm not sure it's a break. As you can see she has a few nips in her tail too.
Any help or suggestions are appreciated.
P.S. Please no-one say anything about a female guppy living with a fighter, she helped him. He went through a stage of tail biting, someone suggested it and I was really against it(I disagree with guppies with betta's) but they insisted I at least tried it. It was a risk but he was biting himself badly so I tried it, with a back up plan of course. It worked, he stopped biting himself but he didn't care about her either. I'm worried removing her will start his biting off but leaving her there is a huge risk and I'd rather not leave it much longer... If anyone has any other suggestions in case he starts biting again when she's gone? Having a guppy in the tank is a disaster waiting to happen...
A total of

2x Adult female mollies and about 50 babies.
4x Female Jordanella floridae(Flagfish)
1x Farlowella catfish
100+ Cherry Shrimp
1x Male platy.
I re-homed the mollies as they were bullying everyone else in the tank.
The four flagfish became three.... The three I have now bullied the fourth to death. Now they are ripping everyone else to shreds including the third flagfish. Yep, they bullied the fourth and now two are bullying the third. I know they can be a bit aggressive but they were fine for weeks and then this. All hell has broke loose in my tank because of these flagfish. I desperately wanted to keep them but I eventually decided to re-home. And then there's this. I spotted this on Friday and so now I'm stuck with them until I either figure it out or she heals.
In the time since spotting it I have meth blue bathed her, thinking it was fungal and it would show up. Nope... There is no visible external injury, just the very obvious lump which seems to be underneath.
It literally appeared overnight. Thursday night they were all fine, Friday morning she was like this. She's still swimming fine, eating, acting normal, etc... In the time that this has happened all three flagfish have gone mental against my other fish! My poor betta is shredded, he's more plakat than halfmoon now. My female guppy* is practically crowntailed right now...
I am at a loss, I have IAL in the tank but nothing is helping anyone while the fighting is still going on and the fighting won't stop until the flagfish are gone but the flagfish can't go until she's healed! Help?!
Tank stats

Size: 2ft - 15 gallons.
Temperature: 26c - 78.8f.
Parameters: Ammonia - 0ppm, Nitrite - 0ppm, Nitrate - Between 5-10ppm.
Fish/Invert Stock: Admittedly overstocked currently. Still thinning them out.
1x Female guppy - Planned re-home when healed.
4x Male Endler Hybrids - Strangely not interested in the female and not had any fry from them.
1x Male Betta.
1x Farlowella Catfish.
2x Otocinclus catfish.
3x Platies - 1 male, 2 female - No fry.
3x Female Flagfish.
100+ Cherry Shrimp.
About 5 Assassin Snails - Probably more, I never see more than five but I have seen empty egg pockets...
Plant/Decor Stock: Rocks, redmoor wood and the following plants.
Cryptocoryne beckettii
Nymphoides ap. "Taiwan".
Hygrophila polysperma
Hygrophila corymbosa
Pictures: Below are pictures of her injury. I had to take her out, put her in a small clear pot on top of the wire lid(don't even ask about that lol) so that the light was behind her to look at her bone structure and see if there was visible breakage. There seems to be something there but I'm not sure it's a break. As you can see she has a few nips in her tail too.

Any help or suggestions are appreciated.
P.S. Please no-one say anything about a female guppy living with a fighter, she helped him. He went through a stage of tail biting, someone suggested it and I was really against it(I disagree with guppies with betta's) but they insisted I at least tried it. It was a risk but he was biting himself badly so I tried it, with a back up plan of course. It worked, he stopped biting himself but he didn't care about her either. I'm worried removing her will start his biting off but leaving her there is a huge risk and I'd rather not leave it much longer... If anyone has any other suggestions in case he starts biting again when she's gone? Having a guppy in the tank is a disaster waiting to happen...