Does Temperature Determine What Sex


Sep 24, 2012
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Manchester UK
Sorry if it is a daft question but does the water temperature determine what sex the fry are?

If it is XX degrees would the fry be more male than female or visa-versa?
Fish dont work like reptiles, and when the eggs are fertilized they get the male/female chromosomes. There are breeds of fish that matter on the temperature, I don't know which ones they are though but probably most if not all the aquarium hobby ones will be mixed from their parents

Edit: It seems one of the cichlid species is temperature for sex
Edit: It seems one of the cichlid species is temperature for sex

I thought ph also affected this in some cichlids.
Edit: It seems one of the cichlid species is temperature for sex

I thought ph also affected this in some cichlids.
Yes, you can choose the sex of kribs, by changing the pH. 7.0 will give you a roughly 50/50 split. Go up and you get more males, go down more females. It might be the other way around, but it works.
Thanks, I have a spawning pair of Kribs right now, had some fry off them already but they are still very small yet, my PH is low around 6 so I may have a fair number of females then.
I've bred several types of apisto and to be honest the ratio of the fry always seems to be 50/50 I personally think there's to much made of the temp/ph/kh/gh and so on but so far, in a temp range of 23-27C there hasn't been a big swing to any particular sex, yet...
I think the study was more on extremely warmer water, probably 30-34C. It makes sense to me. If you look at apistos bred in Asia, there are usually way more males in a shipment than females. Males sale better than females.

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