Fish Fanatic
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Tank size: 80 x 35 x45cm 125l
pH: 6.5
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 20 ppm
tank temp: 27.5°C
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
Yesterday I noticed for the first time that my male German Blue Ram is either hanging at the water surface or hiding at the bottom of the tank without much movement, the female is hiding too and looks very pale - they are usually very active. The male seems to have an infection on the base of the right pectoral fin - like a fleshy white/pink wound. The rest of the fins, especially the other pectoral fin, don't look frayed (see image below). When he swims, he moves the left pectoral fin but not the right - injured - one. We have also seen him trying to scratch it against the wood a couple of times. None of the other fish are showing symptoms and are behaving normally.
There has been an incident recently, but I'm not sure if it has anything to do with this. Last time we changed the water, the male ram swam into bottom of the gravel vac and I panicked and shook the vac to get the fish out so it wouldn't get sucked up. It wasn't anything dramatic but I'm thinking maybe he injured his fin?
We want to do another 50% water change today, even though we have never had problems with bad water quality (the tank has been set up for 4 months and we added mature media before fish). Do you think from the image that this could be fin rot or maybe just an injury? Do we need to medicate?
Volume and Frequency of water changes: 50% once a week
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: API Stress Coat and JBL Ferropol dosed weekly after water change
Tank inhabitants: Pair of German Blue Rams, 3x Hypancistrus Zebra, 6x Corydoras Sterbai, 16x Cardinal Tetra
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): none
Exposure to chemicals: none other than above
Digital photo (include if possible):
Tank size: 80 x 35 x45cm 125l
pH: 6.5
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 20 ppm
tank temp: 27.5°C
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
Yesterday I noticed for the first time that my male German Blue Ram is either hanging at the water surface or hiding at the bottom of the tank without much movement, the female is hiding too and looks very pale - they are usually very active. The male seems to have an infection on the base of the right pectoral fin - like a fleshy white/pink wound. The rest of the fins, especially the other pectoral fin, don't look frayed (see image below). When he swims, he moves the left pectoral fin but not the right - injured - one. We have also seen him trying to scratch it against the wood a couple of times. None of the other fish are showing symptoms and are behaving normally.
There has been an incident recently, but I'm not sure if it has anything to do with this. Last time we changed the water, the male ram swam into bottom of the gravel vac and I panicked and shook the vac to get the fish out so it wouldn't get sucked up. It wasn't anything dramatic but I'm thinking maybe he injured his fin?
We want to do another 50% water change today, even though we have never had problems with bad water quality (the tank has been set up for 4 months and we added mature media before fish). Do you think from the image that this could be fin rot or maybe just an injury? Do we need to medicate?
Volume and Frequency of water changes: 50% once a week
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: API Stress Coat and JBL Ferropol dosed weekly after water change
Tank inhabitants: Pair of German Blue Rams, 3x Hypancistrus Zebra, 6x Corydoras Sterbai, 16x Cardinal Tetra
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): none
Exposure to chemicals: none other than above
Digital photo (include if possible):