Does My Betta Have A Worm?

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Oct 10, 2009
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So I've been having some problems with my female betta. When I got her (9 months ago?) she had some fin rot going on, that I tried to treat with water changes and salt, etc, and it finally went away this summer when I did a treatment of Maracyn 2 and it healed up after that. A few months after this, college started up again and I got really busy and started getting lazy with the water changes... Unsurprisingly, the fin rot is returning, and it sort of looks like there has been a missing scale or some sort of blemish on one side of her body? Also, for the last week or two I'd notice what I thought was some kind of poop hanging out of her, usually in the afternoon/evening. However, it doesn't look like a normal poop as its sort of light/translucent colored and very thin. Lately it's been hanging out of her body constantly and after a little bit of google searching I'm concerned that it might be a worm... She is absolutely ravenous when I feed her and is still active and everything.

I plan on stepping up the water changes, at least to try and clear up the fin rot without going back to antibiotics. However, the possibility of a worm is most concerning... What do you think? And should I be worried about sharing siphons between this tank and my other?

Here's a picture with the weird dangly "poop" included...

She's in a 2 gallon filtered, heated (~80F) tank by herself.
Clear mucas poo can mean the fish isn't eating and running on empty.
Internal parasites, bacterial infection.

Has the fish lost weight?
Does the fish stomach look pinched in, or sunken?
Check the fish anus to see if its enlarged, or red and inflamed?
What do you feed your fish?
Can't you please describe the blemish in more detail. Does the area looked bleached out?
Any redness to the blemish area?
Does the blemish look white on the outside, pink, or red on the inside?
Today she had a clump of light brown poop hanging out of her, which after getting back from class it is now gone.

She doesn't seem to be losing any weight, and her stomach looks about normal, not sunken but not protruding either. Her anus looks normal. Once a day I feed her Omega-one freshwater flakes, about a thumbnail sized amount of flake broken into small pieces and hand fed.

The blemish looks only surface deep, kind of whitish/pale colored with a very small amount of fuzzyness to it.
Feed some shelled peas.
For the blemish you will need to use a bacterial medication.
If you use maracyn it will knock your good bacteria out in your filter.

Does the fuzzyness look like cotton wool?
I will feed her peas for dinner then.

It's a very small amount of fuzzyness, but it is sort of cottony.

I have both Maracyn and Maracyn 2 on hand. Should I use one or both of those? And if only one, which one?
As long as you are prepared for the maracyn knocking your good bacteria out in your filter.
I would use maracyn 1. You can use maracyn 1 & 2 together.

Good Luck.

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