Does Anyone Know What This Could Be?


Fish Crazy
Feb 6, 2014
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there is an ulcer like sore on my rummy nose - it doesn't look like a burn or anything as such and it did die down for a while but it appears to of flared up again? 

Appologies for the poor quality it's the best I could do they don't sty still lol 
Perhaps a head fungus? A better shot will be needed for better results from other members :)
I know it would be almost impossible to see, but can you see if anything is sticking out of the lump?  small worm/string like with a forked end? if so its an anchor worm, these leave very nasty ulcers. If you do see one you will need to treat the whole tank with an antiparasitic medication that treats anchor worm.
2nd guess would be its an infected bite wound, isolate the fish and treat with daily water changes to see if there is any improvement to the wound, if there is no marked improvement with daily water changes for a few days then try an antibacterial medication.
3rd guess would be some sort of tumour for this there is no treatment I am afraid.
Trying to take pics of rummy nose is almost impossible!!, you could try a short video if you can, that way you might be able to see it better.
It "may" be the parasite "Dermosporidia" (a little worm that is usually enclosed in an apparent bubble)
That is another posibility, :)  check the fins carefully see if they have any odd white tips like this...

Blown up view..

This fish I treated with sterazin then daily water changes once the course was finished. It did take a while to go. Once with worm turns redish brown its dead and the fin tips broke off but re-grew clear. I didnt see any red marks however there were none on the actual body of the fish, just the fin tips.

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