What is the particular species of Gourami exactly? What size tank do you have? What type of frog and how old are they? Is there anythign else in the tank? Without knowing the answers to these question's I'm just going to give my opinion on
some smaller species of Gourami.
Gourami in general are fairly aggressive fish - not necessarily toward other fish, but certainly toward each other. I have a fair bit of experience with Pearl Gourami.
Pearl Gourami are an intermediate class of Gourami in that they grow to a rather larger size of around 4 inches (And therefore they may be alright to be housed with frogs) but they also increase in aggression. They aren't as territorial as the larger species of Gourami such as Opaline or Blue but that doesn't mean they wont pick on a weak fish (or frog) if they see one. I would suggest this type of fish if your frogs are mature, arent't very colourful and there are several places for them to hide.
Sunset Gourami might work, they are in that size range of about 2 inches. I would classify them as peaceful with other species, though I would watch out from some territorial issues between them depending on the size of the tank and would suggest getting 2 females and 1 male. I would suggest this species if your frogs are small and colourful.
Another option would be a Dwarf Gourami. They actually get a little bigger than Sunset Gourami, and they also tend to be rather more colourful (because they are more popular) in stores you will usually only find males, and they should be housed individually unless you have a fair sized tank. Dwarf Gourami are pretty inbred and if you are going to have genetic problems with any breed of fish it will be the DG. I've never had a DG myself, but I would put them as somewhere closer to Pearl's for size and temperament and suggest you have them with frogs that are rather dull in colour and that you provide several hiding places.
Hope this helps somewhat