Do You Ever Get Fed Up With Cleaning Your Tank?


Fish Herder
Apr 3, 2011
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I love my fish tanks and clean them once a week but lately I've just been sick of it. I put it off all day then force myself to do it. I love it when it's done but it's a chore for me atm.

I think what's most annoying is that in my fake plant tank the plants get brown every week and I have to take them all out and spend ages with a scrubbing brush cleaning them. I have the light on for 5 hours a day only and it makes no difference. They're always filthy. I've been scrubbing at the for half an hour now and only done half of them!!!

Does anyone else get sick of it sometimes?
Yeah it can be tedious. Some people have setups with hoses and such to make the water changes easier. I'm still running with buckets.Maybe get rid of the plastic plants and get some real plants. One less thing to clean.
I love my fish tanks and clean them once a week but lately I've just been sick of it. I put it off all day then force myself to do it. I love it when it's done but it's a chore for me atm.

I think what's most annoying is that in my fake plant tank the plants get brown every week and I have to take them all out and spend ages with a scrubbing brush cleaning them. I have the light on for 5 hours a day only and it makes no difference. They're always filthy. I've been scrubbing at the for half an hour now and only done half of them!!!

Does anyone else get sick of it sometimes?
I clean mine almost daily by netting out the poop, I keep rearranging my plants, do minor water replacements between the weekly water changes... so far I'm not bored of it.
Only problem is that some of my plants aren't doing very well since they've been pulled out of their basket by my flea-ridden catfish.
I dont find it tedious at all, I find it quite relaxing. Then again I dont use buckets.

I dont find it tedious at all, I find it quite relaxing. Then again I dont use buckets.

I wish I had a bucket... I have to carry a 10L bottle back and forth. And its handle broke, so now I have to carry them harder. X_X I want a 10L bucket!
I hate the thought of it and have often left it for a day or two, but when I actually start I quite enjoy it.
replace the plastic plants with some hardy real plants- java fern, vallis etc. stick some root tabs under the vallis and the plants will use the nutrients in the water faster than the algea can and it wont go brown so fast . . . in theory, anyway ;-)
I wouldn't say i get fed up with doing them..although sometimes they can become a chore when your day is already full of more important things that need to be done. What i do is set myself a few hours 3/4 days in advance, tell Mrs.Apple i'm going to do it (which normally includes her taking Apple Jnr out for a couple of hours) then get stuck in...put on a good cd, put on my water change tshirt (yes, i have a water change tshirt, i've cut the sleeves off!) then get amongst it.

Yep, maintenance sucks!

But unfortunately thats the cost of keeping a healthy tank :)
I totally agree with Lafbramatt, your tank will stay cleaner with real plants.

what do you do in your weekly routine? is it just the plants that are a pain?
I made my own hose system. I actually kind of enjoy water changes now, I just sit back and admire my genius

General maintenance I don't mind that much as I usually do it in stages as it begins to bother me. I've never had that much of an algae problem and don't get too much buildup on the substrate either.
Clean mine every Friday afternoon as I only work till 12. The better half is still at work so she doesn't moan Im walking in front of the tv etc and I just get on with it. 180 litre tank and only 2 x 5 litre buckets for refills lol emptying isn't a problem I use anything and everything but prefer to use my clean 5 litres for re filling ..... Note to self new bigger buckets needed

It's one of those things you think you don't need, but once you've got one you wonder how you ever did without it.
I want real plants in it because my other two planted tanks are so quick and easy to clean. The trouble is it have pink gravel and I think it will look rubbish with real plants and pink gravel. I wish I went planted in the first place and had put black gravel in. I keep meaning to totally change it but never get round to it because I can't afford everything at the moment. I'd love black gravel and some nice big bogwood and plants.

It's just the scrubbing of the fake plants that gets on my nerves. I'm literally there for ages. The rest is quick and easy. I don't need a hose because the tank is in my bedroom right next to the bathrrom so it's easy in that respect. I've just finished cleaning it and I'm happy now it's done and it's all clean.

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