Do Veil Angelfish Grow Faster / Bigger Than Regular Ones?

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Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2013
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Massachusetts, USA
A month or so ago I purchased very small angelfish from the same store, and same tank actually. All the angels were the same size and I didn't notice anything noticeably different between them all, but now it seems one of mine may be a veil Angelfish? I have been feeding them both the same amount but the one with the longer fins has grown a decent amount larger and the other seems to not have grown at all. I have watched them eat and they seem to get equal amounts and there is no bullying as far as I can tell. Could it just be genetics or is this about normal? I'm not really sure what to expect for the growth rate for both, and it would be nice to know if there is a difference. Thanks

The one on the left is what I believe looks like a veil..? What do you think? These are both the same distance from the camera, so what you see is the comparison.
Also, if veil angels *do* grow faster or larger, is there a higher risk that my smaller one will be bullied by it?
my black leopard veil angel grew larger than a regular angel i had at the time---i lost both, one to ich and one to parasites---the veil angel did grow quite large in about 2 months--I could see a change in size weekly so perhaps veil angels do grow bigger and faster--how big is your tank--they like a high tank---I had a tall 35 gallon hex---the veil angel was a bully mostly at feeding time as he would chase other fish away at feeding time
Hi Maria
Your two angels are very pretty

I'm new to angels and also have a million questions to ask as well.  As for one growing bigger than the other could be due to genetics.  
I purchased 4 angels from the pet store.  They were the size of a thumb nail.  Now they have grown to the size of my palm but they all grew together and none seemed any bigger than the other. 
They are in a 75 gallon tank, their tankmates are in my signature. All of the fish right now are currently very small, though my black angel not growing is a bit worrysome because of the predatory fish I have. So far none are bothering it but I will feel better when it starts showing some growth. 
Neither of your angels are veiltails

You'll often get one fish that grows faster or larger than another. I think, in your case, it might be rather that your other angel is a slow grower; in my experience the black marbles don't get big. My previous angel was a veiltailed black marble, and he never got more than three inches long
Dang... If that's the case, he's going to need to be moved into a different tank when my African knife and bichir get bigger. Are there other angels you can think of that don't grow as much so I know when i'm next in the market for them? Or other specific ones that grow more quickly? I didn't think there would be as much of a difference but come to think of it i've never seen a large black one... I had a golden one in the past that got about 6.5" but I wanted to go for something different which is why I picked these two out. 
It's difficult for me to say; I've only owned four angels in my life!

Two were about 25 years ago, and they were probably stunted
Then I had the black marble; he died unexpectedly last year at only four or five years old and he, tbh, never seemed quite 'right'. I used call him 'my little mutant' 

I have a gold marble now, who's only a few months old;  s/he seems to be growing much faster than the previous one, that's all I can say.
My mum has a black marble, very similar in looks to yours, but I can't make a comment on it's growth, really, as I suspect that one's stunted as well (my mum's tank is hugely overstocked three foot that gets very erratic and infrequent water changes 
There is also a difference between males and females. Males getting somewhat larger.

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