Man of fish
I'm Interested in.... ----|> that
Do live plants mucky the water? I want to know as about 2 weeks after getting my plants (I think in december.) my eater went cloudy. It's shown a tiny bit of improvement but not much. I have a very big bunch of amazon swords, a small argentine sword, and some anubias attached to driftwood. I've had them about 4 months with the cloudiness and I'm getting sick of it. I don't dose any ferts, and the amazons seem to be dying a bit. Would ferts help with the cloudiness and/or help my plant live?
I need this answer because my dad thinks the plants cause cloudiness (he had the same problem in his old tanks) and wants me to scrap them.
Thanks in advance!
I need this answer because my dad thinks the plants cause cloudiness (he had the same problem in his old tanks) and wants me to scrap them.
Thanks in advance!