Do I Need To Cycle This Tank?


New Member
Jul 17, 2012
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So I have a well established 10 gallon tank well planted with 2 danios and a turtle. I'm moving them into a 40 gal breeder. I'm using the same filter I have been (it's a bit big for the current tank :hyper:) so the filter material will be the same in the new tank.. The new tank has been sitting with some of the water from the last time I cleaned the little tank (maybe a gallon?), I plan to do it once more before putting them in if I can avoid true cycling. The gravel, decorations, plants etc will all be moved into the new tank.

Opinons/advice please. :wub:
The filter needs to be kept wet or the bacteria will basically die. With a mature filter you should be fine just swapping everything over, it's what I've always done in the past, IMO it's just like a big water change, if you're worried you could fill it up over several days.
The filter needs to be kept wet or the bacteria will basically die. With a mature filter you should be fine just swapping everything over, it's what I've always done in the past, IMO it's just like a big water change, if you're worried you could fill it up over several days.

Thats kindof what I was thinking, the filter creates most of the biosystem, especially to start. I think I will put the filter in for a few hours now and switch them later tonight. :good:
As long as it has been kept wet id say you're fine to just swap the whole lot over. If anything it may start a mini cycle so keep an eye on your water perimeters. Unless anyone suggests other wise?

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