Do Fish Sometimes Flash For No Reason?

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Fish Herder
Feb 3, 2012
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Occasionally I see a fish glancing off the substrate. It doesn't happen very often and it isn't the same fish each time.

Ny question is, do fish do this sometimes? Can fish just get itchy or is it definitely ich or something similar? I can't see anything physically wrong with any fish. The tank is established, no recent additions, stats normal etc.
Occasionally I see a fish glancing off the substrate. It doesn't happen very often and it isn't the same fish each time.

Ny question is, do fish do this sometimes? Can fish just get itchy or is it definitely ich or something similar? I can't see anything physically wrong with any fish. The tank is established, no recent additions, stats normal etc.
My swordtails seem to be using this as some kind of social cue.
Sometimes, when my pair of swordies feel like fighting, one of them will roll in the sand while going around the other, or just dive once in front of the other. Then the other fish rolls through the exact same path or on the exact same spot the other rolled in.
To add to the weirdness, the fry watched the adults do this and whenever it happens, they start doing it too, mere seconds away. Then the adults fight and the fry may nip each other until everything settles down.

I've only ever seen swordtails doing this though. Never saw guppies or any other fish behaving like this before a fight.
all my fish will flash on the substrate or decorations from time to time - even my cories. I've recently dosed the tank for whitespot so I know I'm clear on that. I also can't see anything else obviously wrong and I've had to just put it down to 'something and nothing' as I don't know what more I can do.
They get 30 litre of water changed every week and a gravel vac twice a week, my water stats are normal so what more can I do?!

I have noticed they do it more if the light has been on a bit longer than normal so I have considered a stress issue maybe ...?
As most of the above posts state, all of my fish flash from time to time. Initially I was worried, but noticed that it was different fish doing it. I did treat for Ich as I was worried but they have contued to do it since. This was 3 months ago and no Ich has developed. It isnt a regular thing and the fish have no signs of illness, infact all are thriving. It seems all of our fish like to have a scratch now and then!
dont just treat tanks for ich just because your fish are flashing. if there is an issue with health then be 100% sure that you know what you are dealing with before chucking meds in the tank.

fish will flash now and then. it could just be an itch or an irritation just like we would get. maybe a bit of sand in the gills etc etc. its also quite common for fish to flash just after a water change.

if its once every now and then it shouldnt be an issue but if it gets regular tehn it may need investigating a bit further.

i had a group of cory that were kept on unipac zambezi substrate, they constantly flashed and it really did my head in as there was no sign of illness and they were very healthy. it ended up being the zambezi substrate that was causing the fish to flash as it was quite rough like grit. i changed to sand and everything was fine.
My hoplo doesn't and has never flashed though, and I can't say it's due to stress when it seems to be happening as a response to just one swordtail doing it. Even my oldest swordtails used to do this when around their own species, but no idea if it is a threat to each other or it means something else, all I know is that pecking follows.

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