Do Fish Make Friends?

betta fish

Fish Herder
Oct 8, 2008
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I have a mixed community of mainly platies and guppies and have noticed one of my female guppies hanging out with my white female platy, it seems like she actively seeks her out and will swim with her and follow her about 
almost as if she wants to be her friend! does anyone else have this in their mixed species tank? 
I honestly believe that my giant danio has made friends with my albino cory!
This Giant danio like to be close to the cory all the time and spends most of its time hovering above her. When she wriggles up and down the tank he glides around with her! Such a funny duo.... I believe they do!

... I have a group of corys and GDanios so this is not a case of being species lonely :)
I also have guppies and platies together, my smallest male guppy likes to follow one of my female platies everywhere that she goes :) I think that they are best friends as the guppy will go and find her so yours could be aswell :)
Male livebearers will tend to follow females about because they've only got one thing on their mind... I'd guess this one is a case of attraction to the wrong species rather than friendship! :)
I've currently got two male platies happily living together which is surprising because one is an alpha male who has mercilessly bullied every other platy male he's met, but I think his current partner must be giving off female pheromones or something because there's a definite bromance brewing here...!
I did think of that but I didnt know that they could be attracted to different species, I know i am a bit stupid haha but you dont really hear of crossbreed fish so i guessed that they just stuck to there own species :) Can fish be crossbreeds, mother and father are different species? :)
Platies can cross-breed with swordtails, guppies can cross-breed with endlers and mollies.  Guppies and platies can't cross-breed but livebearer males can be a bit stupid when it comes to selecting partners - especially if there are no guppy females available or if you have no platy males and the females are not pregnant and therefore ready to mate.
when i first got all my fish, i have got 5 male guppies and 2 female platies, the guppies spent the first 2 days trying to mate with the platies and i thought that i might have to take the platies back as they were permently being pestered and were trying to get away but then they settled down and havent shown any behavouir like that since :) A guppy cross with a mollie i guess would look weird but nice at the same time haha i am going on google images now haha :)

Guppy cross with mollies
I think that they are really cute, they are sometimes called a Muppy or a Gollie
you learn something new every day haha


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I have abi color angel fish and a marine betta that always stay close by each other. The marine betta will stay in or near his cave and the bi color angel fish will feed then return back to his friend. I have a very long tank so plenty of space and still the two are always together. I would have thought smaller fish would be scared of an adult betta. But apparently not.

My male peacock gudeon shared a cave with a loach for a while, until I decided to move him to a different tank.
Depends on the species, but i think they do. Fish are well-known to build symbiotic relationships with a lot of animals

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