Do Barbs Swim In Schools?


Fish Crazy
Mar 19, 2013
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i am looking for some new fish for my fish tank and i was thinking about getting barbs but i have never barbs so i don't know anything about them.but what i mostly need to know if they swim in schools. thanks! :)
Before buying I always google the reviews or care for the specific fish. This will tell you all. So google barbs care. But it seems like most prefer to be kept with others
I've got 6 Tiger Barbs and they charge around my tank in a pack together!
what is a shoaling fish?

never mind. how many is the least you can have in a group?
I'd go for at least 8 or so. When I had 6 they used to be really nippy. Now I have 13 (and plan to get more) and they not only shoal together but come to greet me whenever I come near the tank. Of course, they think I have food goodies for them, but I'll just keep believing it's because they like me. 
can i put different kinds of barbs in a group? 
I only have tiger barbs, but I've heard that green tiger barbs do well with them.
All barbs don't school together. The same species do like albino/ green/ regular tiger barbs but not all barbs in general. I find that barbs form more of a pack than a school as they're kind of like wolves.
I would highly recommend a large number of one species. It looks SO MUCH BETTER! And they'll be happier!

Other than that, generally easy to feed, and pretty tolerant of slightly acid to slightly alkaline water. 
lol. im getting 6 of them this weekend. :)

the fish. :p lol
This Old Spouse said:
I'd go for at least 8 or so. When I had 6 they used to be really nippy.
I guess it depends on the barbs you have.  I have found pentazona barbs to be great community fish with no nippy issues ;-)

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