Diy Sump (with Overflow Box) Or Hob Refugium?

Alex Brown

Fish Crazy
Oct 9, 2008
Reaction score
Gosport, Hampshire.

Im thinking about adding either a sump with overflow box or a HOB refugium to my 250L reef tank. Firstly, could you tell me any points I may have missed, whats the point in a sump or refugium?

This is the overflow box I am looking at possibly, or I might make one identicle if it works out cheaper. OVERFLOW BOX

constant water level (is this true with an overflow box in place?)
somewhere for equiptment such as skimmer and heater to go.
larger volume of total water capacity or system.
area for critters to breed.
macro algea filtration.
replaces canister filter.
overflow box cleans surface of the aquarium.
an area to remove water and add back in during water changes.

lit 24/7 so macro algea can out compete for nutrients other than in main tank.
area for critters.
area for things like carbon and filter media.

Does a sump require 24/7 lighting such as the refugium?

Next, I am thinking of building the sump if that is what I choose to use. Can I use any tank/bucket/water holding object, that fits below my tank and divide it with sheets of acrilic and join with silicone?

Basicly im going into this pretty un-educated. Any help and advice you can throw my way would be great. I am also thinking of ways to protect my floor and tank if the syphon on the overflow fails or a pump quits on me. Any ideas?

Thanks, Alex.
You got it pretty much. I would be tempted to use an external filter for phos removal or something rather than switching it off.
Sump would only need lighting if macro algae is to be grown there. Cheato usually is light the opposite cycle to the tank to keep ph up through the night.

You can use anything to make a sump with yea, glass tank would be best with glass baffles. Plastics and acrylics dont silicone very well to each other or glass, the bonds are nowhere near as strong. Try to chose something that isnt going to leech anything into the water if you are set on a plastic tub. Koi vats and similar would be good. Or food grade containers.

Never used an overflow box, i think there are some that dont work as a siphon so you a bit safer.
Ideal. Im happy to buy a glass tank to mod, can you buy sheets of glass for aquarium use, know of anywhere cheap in the uk?

What is the biggest advantage of a sump or refugium then? Just to stop some fluctuations in the water such as Ph to make everything more stable? Sorry if thats a dumb question, I just cant seem to get my head around it all!

Would I be ok using my external filter with phos removeal as my return pump? Do I have anything else in here, filter wool, bio balls, carbon?

Also, how noisy are sumps, can you add bubble stops and things like that to muffle the water sound when entering the sump? The tank is in my bedroom.

Thanks, Alex.
Ideal. Im happy to buy a glass tank to mod, can you buy sheets of glass for aquarium use, know of anywhere cheap in the uk?
Pretty much any glass place will cut you a few bits to size. Wont cost to much. Be far better than using acrylic or plastic which is nearly as expensive anyway.

What is the biggest advantage of a sump or refugium then? Just to stop some fluctuations in the water such as Ph to make everything more stable? Sorry if thats a dumb question, I just cant seem to get my head around it all!
Pretty much, i like my sump as it hides all the ugly stuff and nearly doubles my water volume.

Would I be ok using my external filter with phos removeal as my return pump? Do I have anything else in here, filter wool, bio balls, carbon?
Id just buy a return pump and run this seperate. You could have phos removal and soem LR rubble. Not much need for anything else, will just create more maintainance.

Also, how noisy are sumps, can you add bubble stops and things like that to muffle the water sound when entering the sump? The tank is in my bedroom.

If you have the pipes bringing the water into the sump going just under the surface, there wont be much extra noise at all. You just dont want the water falling from a hight splashing.
Thanks Ben.

I also just found this,

I think I understand how it all works now.

Another question, what is the minimum size I want to be thinking about to use as a sump for my 250l? I dont have alot of space, but would like to add somthing thats benificial.

I need to change my phos remover monthly correct? Phos filter pads or somthing like ROWAphos in a bag? Shouldn't I run carbon with this too?
Measure the amount of usable space in the cabinet or whatever. Then id buy the closest standard sized tank that will fit. Then divide it up so all your pumps etc will fit in the compartments you wish.
If you can hide all your equipment and get some macro algae going then it will have been worth it imo. Add as much water volume as you can
If you've got one of those cheap MDF stands with the center wall that seems common in the UK, remember, your sump does not have to be in the stand... It can be next to the stand, through a wall in the next room, in the basement, lots of places. Most people put them in stands cause its convenient and out of sight, not out of necessity :)

Remember to use check valves (aka non return valves) on the return to the display plumbing to prevent back siphon :)
Yes its one of the cheap MDF ones with centre support :(. I did think about putting it else where but I dont have the room for it except my stand, also it keeps everything in one place which is nice! Ive been having a think about emptying my tank, to drill it. Anyone done this after it has been set up? I know its going to be a mission, but I would rather have my tank perfect. If I knew about sumps before I set up, I would defently have drilled the tank. At this time, I would also re-build my cabnet so its a little larger and doesnt have the centre divider.

Anyone prefer the HOB refugium to sump?

Plastics and acrylics dont silicone very well to each other or glass, the bonds are nowhere near as strong.

In a sump setting they stick fine. I even use thin acrylic as my weirs on more recent tanks with little issue. Remeber that sump baffles will not be under any great pressure as they will have water pushing on both sides.

Remember to use check valves (aka non return valves) on the return to the display plumbing to prevent back siphon :)

Or just drill a hole in the return at the water level, especially as so many pipework non return valves are only rated as 90% (meaning that they will let a small amount back - leading to a flooded sump just it takes longer).
Plastics and acrylics dont silicone very well to each other or glass, the bonds are nowhere near as strong.

In a sump setting they stick fine. I even use thin acrylic as my weirs on more recent tanks with little issue. Remeber that sump baffles will not be under any great pressure as they will have water pushing on both sides.

Remember to use check valves (aka non return valves) on the return to the display plumbing to prevent back siphon :)

Or just drill a hole in the return at the water level, especially as so many pipework non return valves are only rated as 90% (meaning that they will let a small amount back - leading to a flooded sump just it takes longer).

Yeah your right, so long as they fill the sump evenly. If they fill one chamber at a time then there will be all the pressure one side of the ballfle
Would you guys just recomend me drilling my tank, then atleast I wouldnt have to worry about anything to do with overflow, just the return?
:nod: agree. You can drill with fish in there. Glass shards are inert and if you do it with lights out and scare the fish into hiding it's really not that big a deal to drill with them in the tank. Better question, will the drill fit in the tank?
Lol, I dont think I will try that out.

If I was to empty, should I concider putting in under gravel filtration?? I get so much crap build up in the areas behind rocks and places I can get flow going.

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