Hi i have a 400ltr tank with a sump filter,it has got 1inch of John Innes under a layer of gravel,the lighting is 4 x 54w t5s two white and two blue.I bought a pack off plants suitable for a 48" tank but have lost the paperwork telling me what plants were in it.I am going to build a diy co2 generator my question is what can i use as a diffuser and where is the best place to put it,would it be ok to put it in the sump near to the pump or would it be better in the tank, at the moment there are no fish in the tank as i am trying to do a fishless cycle hopefully its almost there.Does it sound like i am doing the right thing.I had one of the ballasts in the light fitting fail i have just replaced it and sealed the fitting as soon as i can i will get the lights back on the tank and take some pics.I intend to run all 4 tubes for about 8 hours and then only the blue tubes for a couple of hours. Regards Phil