Distilled Water


Fish Herder
Nov 6, 2012
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I apologise if this has already been asked, or posted in the wrong place, but I'm getting used to navigating the site. I am currently buying RO water from our lfs until we get a filter to stop nitrates from our bore hole. Anyhow, it's costing about £5 a week, so my question is can I use distiller water, and is the water that collects in a dehumidifier classed as distilled and therefore safe to use in my tropical tank?
In theory, yes you could. But if the dehumidifier is an ebac or similar make then it's not a good idea. I thought about using the water from our ebac in my steam iron and poured it into a glass jug to make it easier to get it into the iron. But I didn't dare use it because in the glass jug I could see all the dust and muck floating in the water that had been sucked into the the dehumidifier. There would also have been particles too small to see and any chemicals that had been in the air.
I apologise if this has already been asked, or posted in the wrong place, but I'm getting used to navigating the site. I am currently buying RO water from our lfs until we get a filter to stop nitrates from our bore hole. Anyhow, it's costing about £5 a week, so my question is can I use distiller water, and is the water that collects in a dehumidifier classed as distilled and therefore safe to use in my tropical tank?
It’s a good idea.
Have you tried testing the water from the dehumidifier?
My worry would be that it also removes more nasty items, from the air, along with the water.
This would mean a very intensive, and expensive, set of tests.
But if it is safe, It could be a boon to many fishkeepers
If I am honest I’ve been thinking of using just this type of water.
Though i was looking to use the system from an old condenser tumble dryer.
that turned out to cost more than RO???
Thanks for the replies, I'm not sure what type the dehumidifier is as its currently at the in laws. I have since done some research into buying my own RO system. I have worked out from the company I have looked at, the system will cost £79.96 filter will need replacement every 6 months and RO membrane every 18-24mths filter is £17.95 and membrane £ 37.96. If I purchased this over the first year incl the cost of system it would work out £1.60 per water change, then £0.57p thereafter :-D I think this is the way to go, as am spending £5 per week at the moment plus fuel to the lfs. Will run it by hubby later, will have to wait until after Christmas, or maybe I should suggest as a pressie :-D

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