Disease? Please Help


Fish Fanatic
Feb 7, 2015
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I have a very young koi angelfish who has been very healthy. Today though I've noticed he has silver scales under his gills. Is this something I need to be worried about or is it simply him getting his colors finally! Please help! Posted one picture. Will try and get more. He isn't very good at sitting still! :) 2015-02-10 21.45.57.jpg
Sorry the pictures aren't better!


  • 2015-02-10 21.51.04.jpg
    2015-02-10 21.51.04.jpg
    31.5 KB · Views: 139
It doesn't look like anything is wrong. I think you are probably worrying over nothing. However, if you notice that the area starts to change drastically in coloration, do post a picture if it concerns you. 
It's a very pretty angel, by the way. He looks almost like he has a beak!
They almost look like natural coloring. Any behavioral change? Water parameters?
looks fine to me and my guess would be it's a 'she' and not a he but it's always difficult to tell when they are young. She is also not just a koi, she's got the blushing gene which is why her gills are so red and by the looks of it she's also got the pearlscale gene which mean her scales will look different .... her scales will look like corn rows when she gets to full size
You can compare ordinary angels scales to pearlscale scales if you do a google search
This was my pearlscale angel - you can clearly see the 'corn row' scales
You have a blushing angel koi variety - bred for pale/transparent gill plates to give the red appearance the silver scales are part of that trait.
Wow, such great information everyone! I'm glad it's nothing to worry about. I will post pictures if it starts to look different. There's no white marks or anything that looks out of the ordinary except these (really pretty actually) silver scales. He's very happy. Swims Normally. Plays with the other fish. And eats like a pig.
he, or she, looks like a very healthy angelfish and if he/she is eating like a little pig that's an even better sign that it's healthy. When an angel goes off it's food there's something amiss and it's usually Hexamita - a desease that seems to hit angels especially. 
In my opinion,what you have there is a special little angel. Pearlscale angels arn't rare but to get one with koi/blushing gene aswell isn't something you'll find every day. He/she is going to be a stunner when he/she is fully grown and coloured up :) 
I'm so glad to know I picked a winner! Thanks so much for all your help!! I love this forum all ready! I have another angelfish that I'm curious what kind he or she is and if it's a boy or a girl. I will post another topic!
I hope I'm allowed to do this but if I'm not then let me know. This is the guy that sexed mine correctly when they were little more than babies. He describes his methods here

regarding the 'kind' of angel ... well angels have been bred for colour morphs for years and so the 'kinds' have got kinda messed up. You could buy a dozen different types of baby angels, add them to your tank and a koi could decide to pair up with a platinum angel and so any fry would be koi/platinum angels. Similarily a ghost could cross with striped and you'd get something else entirely!
Add to that that we have the pearlscale angel (which I've already described) and you throw something else into the mix. Now your angel in your photo's has some blushing, some pearlscale and some koi - how that came about is impossible to know. Perhaps the parents were a koi pearlscale and a pure blushing, alternatively they could have been a pure koi and pearlscale blushing. 
Angelfish genetics have been messed about with and so now we have all kinds of hybrids - not that it matters. All angels are beautiful to me
Akasha72 said:
I hope I'm allowed to do this but if I'm not then let me know. This is the guy that sexed mine correctly when they were little more than babies. He describes his methods here
A bit off-topic, but since it came up... I'll clarify:
General Rules of the forum specifically state: 

5. There is to be no promoting of other competing general fish forums either in the forum, chat room or private message system. Links to specialist forums containing specific information which is not available on TFF or is above and beyond the detail and complexity available on TFF are permitted. The moderating team will use their discretion to determine whether these links are allowable. If in doubt, members should report any posts, messages or signatures that they suspect may contravene this rule to the moderating team.
Thank you for being concerned Akasha, but there was nothing in that post that was against the rules.  In fact, it fits the rules to the letter.  As far as I am aware, there is no similar resource like the post you linked on TFF.  So, thank you for posting it! :D
phew! I wasn't sure and was worried about posting but they really are the dogs do-dah's at anything angelfish related. Thanks for clarifying :D
BTW... being clearly an angel novice, but using that website I am convinced that I believe that the angelfish in this thread is clearly either male or female.  :lol:
Seriously though, looking at the picture (the 2nd one more than the first) would indicate a '2 line' forehead... so I'll guess male.
it's really difficult to use the headshape method given the angle of the photo but it looks to be one smooth line where as the other one (on ariels other thread) looks to have a broken line and so that would make that one male.
Seriously though, I got mine completely wrong! I was convinced my female smokey blushing was male and the male was female! I got them back to front!
Yup.  Clearly this angel is either male or female.   After reading your post, and looking again, and recognizing I have no real clue with angels... I'll switch and say that this one is a female too.  

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