

Feb 27, 2012
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London, UK
I am thinking of moving out stock from my 225l to put in some discus.

In terms of compatibility and temperament, would I be right to:

Zebra denies
White carries

Peppered corries
Leopard OPEC
Glass cats
Kuhli loaches
Clown loaches

School of neons

My only concern is the clown loaches, but I would appreciate other's thoughts.


I... think you need to do a lot more research on discus before attempting this.

Keep the angels and platys and what i think you meant a leopard otto , but for the most part youll have to get rid of everything else because discus need temps in the 82-84, the cories might be okay but technically that species max is 79

And be sure to get hardy discus, id give a link but I dont know if im allowed, the ones I had were very tolerant of any mistakes I made (albeot a bit picky)
I'd have Discus on their own or with a few Cardinals. Possibly a plec or two at the bottom. The less fish, the less waste, the better condition the water, the happier the Discus. I'd even consider not having plecs as they're messy as hell.
Are you aware of how large clown loaches grow?
Also neons are likely to last a short time at discus temperatures.
The same goes for the glass cats and the peppered corys.
Not sure about the temperature limit for the clown loaches, but they're unlikely to be happy in that heat.
Thanks for the comments.  I should have mentioned that I am quite aware that temperature reqs need to be checked, was more asking in terms of temperament of species.
Clowns are quite small at the moment, but yes they would need a bigger tank when they are larger :)
A person I know has recently upgraded from 4 feet to 6 feet just for the clown loaches as the 4 foot tank was getting far too small for them. You might want to consider that...
Zante said:
A person I know has recently upgraded from 4 feet to 6 feet just for the clown loaches as the 4 foot tank was getting far too small for them. You might want to consider that...
I read a thread about that (cannot recall which forum!), certainly I will need a larger tank for the clowns in the future and they are my favourite fish.  At the moment they are only 2" so very happy :)
Presumably I have a couple of years until they will need a larger home.
For discus tanks anything peaceful and can tolerate the temperature is fine, the mollies and platys are fine because they are peaceful and can handle the temp, ive heard some people having trouble with ottos latching onto the discus so beware of that, but they should be okay.

the angel is fine ONLY if you get discus that are bigger than it, if not then it stands a higher chance of being a bit of a bully to them.

most people do cories,rams,pencilfish,and a variety of tetras along with the discus.
the loaches would be okay too but for the 4 foot like you said they will get too big and need to be moved.
I've been trying to find a chart that lists fish and the temperature ranges that they are best suited to, but to no avail.  Can anybody recommend one to me?
If not I'll have to research individual fish and produce a spreadsheet - would be handy to upload here!
I love discus...just need a tank to put them in without getting rid of my other fishies

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