Beautiful fish, I heard they are hard to look after though.
As long as you keep up on water changes and get thr right water conditions i think thy a relativly easy to care for.
I will double that and all the work is well worth it to see such beautiful fish thrive.
People realy over exagerate how hard discus are to keep. Regular tank strains just need the right water conditions. And they are truely beutiful fish. Just make sure not to buy wild discus and you will have no problems. I strongly encourage you to try discus if you have been in the hobby for a while. I just dont recommend that complete begginers get discus. Just keep tje water clean and keep them in groups of 6 or more unless you buy a breeding pair like i have and you will soon fall in love with discus.
The only thing keeping me from getting discus the fact that any decent sized ones above 4" are easily over $50....not including shipping. And I want like 6 lol.
You have a really beautiful pair! I love the colors and the tank!