Discus Size


New Member
Mar 20, 2013
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i have 11 discus as red maze 4, red map 2, snakskin 2 , blu dimond 3 .
they all are almost  2 inch size, in 24*18*15 inches tank which is nearly 28 US gallon.
i just want to know that till wat size they wil grow in current tank ?
i daily changes 50% water, temp maintained , three times feeding beef heart, good filtration!!
is any body can tel how much they will big in said tank.
bcoz i hav no plan to bring bigger tank for the next three months.
wow ive always loved discus but never been brave enough to take the plunge, there are a few questions though,  i think its a myth fish grow to the size of the tank, discus grow about 8-9 inches i believe, im no expert on us gallons but google says....correct me if im wrong as im more litres.......you seriously need a bigger tank even now before they get any bigger, and can i ask why are water changing 50% a day are you fish in cycling with discus?
Wow, I think you are seriously over stocked for discus!!

Your tank would be a snug fit for a pair of Discus! Probably a rule of thumb would be 10 Gallons per fish. That gives them the space they need.

It's not a case of how big will they grow in that tank but how stunted will they be with not enough room. 2 inches are small so I would expect them to grow up to about 4 inches by the end of their first year.

If you have no plans to get a new tank in the next 3 months I'd re-home at least half of them..

Did you not do any research before purchasing or did your LFS not ask you about the size of the tank this many fish were for?
I would say restock all fish, Discus should be in a bigger tank. Around the 50 gallon min. All those discus will have stunted growth in the next 4-6 months as a result of small spaces.
not to mention the agression they are cichlids and can be tempermental
Discus should have 50L of water each roughly.
From what I've heard, your tank is seriously overstocked. To be honest I'm glad your Discus have survived that long because there is a higher chance of them getting hurt in a tank that small but your water changes seem to be helping. Based on Ps3Steveo's advice, your tank (which is around 105 liters) it can only hold 2 discus, so you need a tank 5.5x as large for your discus or around 150g

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