So guys, had another spawn which successfully hatched. Things were looking good until 3 days in when the fry went free swimming. I think dad thought they were dafnia and merrily started munching until I intervened.
Quickly removed the parents, gathered all fry into a tub and dropped the level in the tank to allow for brine shrimp hatchery and easy access. I am feeding a small amount of liquifry, and making up a stiff paste from powdered egg yolk, spirulina and rotifers. I'm changing 50% of the water in the tub 4 times a day using the clean heated water from the tank, which is r/o with discus mineral added. All seems to be going great. Twice a day I transfer the fry to a clean tub with some fresh egg paste and 1/2" of water in. When all fry are moved over, using a baster, I then top up the tub to give the fry access to the egg.
Now, I'm totally new to this, and I've gathered all the info off the net. If anyone can offer any further advice I'd be very interested to hear of your experiences. So far only lost about 5 fry, think there are 50 or so left. Been in the tub since Thursday.
I've added a pic of dad and the community tank where he's now been sent back to.
So guys, had another spawn which successfully hatched. Things were looking good until 3 days in when the fry went free swimming. I think dad thought they were dafnia and merrily started munching until I intervened.
Quickly removed the parents, gathered all fry into a tub and dropped the level in the tank to allow for brine shrimp hatchery and easy access. I am feeding a small amount of liquifry, and making up a stiff paste from powdered egg yolk, spirulina and rotifers. I'm changing 50% of the water in the tub 4 times a day using the clean heated water from the tank, which is r/o with discus mineral added. All seems to be going great. Twice a day I transfer the fry to a clean tub with some fresh egg paste and 1/2" of water in. When all fry are moved over, using a baster, I then top up the tub to give the fry access to the egg.
Now, I'm totally new to this, and I've gathered all the info off the net. If anyone can offer any further advice I'd be very interested to hear of your experiences. So far only lost about 5 fry, think there are 50 or so left. Been in the tub since Thursday.
I've added a pic of dad and the community tank where he's now been sent back to.