Disaster Waiting When I Returned From Holiday


Fish Herder
Feb 1, 2005
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my little fluval flora has had a complete disaster when i was on holiday.had asked my mum to keep a check on it while was away.well she did,first off all she left the lid off it,water has evaporated,filter burnt out,all shrimp but two dead.never noticed lid was off and sat on bed and broke the glass lid.heater still working and put my fluval mini in,time to call it a day will be getting rid of it all now
Ah, thats a real tough time you have had there!
Don't give up so easily, maybe your mum will help to buy a new tank (bigger one this time 
lol.my mother is 63.had the big tanks and the medium time to get rid of the small one now.so if anyone in scotland is interested let me know
That a decent offer. Hope someone takes you up on that.
Unfortunately I no longer live in Scotland, live in Surrey now.
From your pic, might be a bit of a giveaway that you're from Glasgow! 
Falkirk! and you support the Gers, ok, each to their own. lol 

Anyway, hope you will get another bigger and better tank soon, and get back to the hobby! 
Sorry about your tank, that's pretty nasty :(
Maybe after a break you will get back into it again one day!
Sorry to hear that mate. Maybe wait a few weeks and decide? It's a good hobby and sometimes I find myself just sitting there looking at my fish :) They can make you happy!

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