New Member
I am just researching food requirements for Mollies for when I get some
I currently have glowlight tetras and snails
I have read that the mollies should have flakes with omega once a day (some say twice daily). I assume if I got the one with omega this would be ok for the tetras? also the tetras currently have bloodworm and daphnia is this ok for the mollies?
Should the mollies be fed flakes everyday with veggie matter on top of that every couple of days or instead of the flakes?
I currently feed my tetras every other day as recommended to prevent overfeeding so should i be feeding all of them flakes every or every other day? how often for veggie matter? any fav veggies for the mollies and snails?
Im appologise for the many questions i just want to make sure I have a happy community take
I am just researching food requirements for Mollies for when I get some
I currently have glowlight tetras and snails
I have read that the mollies should have flakes with omega once a day (some say twice daily). I assume if I got the one with omega this would be ok for the tetras? also the tetras currently have bloodworm and daphnia is this ok for the mollies?
Should the mollies be fed flakes everyday with veggie matter on top of that every couple of days or instead of the flakes?
I currently feed my tetras every other day as recommended to prevent overfeeding so should i be feeding all of them flakes every or every other day? how often for veggie matter? any fav veggies for the mollies and snails?
Im appologise for the many questions i just want to make sure I have a happy community take