Desperate Need Of Help


Fish Fanatic
Oct 22, 2010
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Bought my first betta on sunday all was fine then on tuesday he died took him back to fish shop with a sample of tank water nothing wrong water really good, gave me replacement then today second betta dies with white stuff round mouth and gills.
What do i do? would a disease not show up in my tank water when tested do i take another replacement from them which i dont really want to as cleary something is wrong :(
a disease wouldn't show on your water tests, the 2nd sounds like it had fungus, anything visually wrong with the 1st?
Did you put him in the same tank as the 1st one?
If so, did you clean the tank before getting the 2nd one?
If not, whatever the 1st one had could've killed the 2nd one
Lets step back a minute;

How long has the tank been set up?

How did you cycle the tank?

What else are you keeping in the tank?

Do you know your pH?

How much flow do you have in the tank?

If the fish looked healthy in the shop I'd say 2 days is far too quick for a disease to kill it - which makes me immediately think this is a water quality issue.

Edit - just seen that you've posted here as well as the emergency section. Try not to double post.

The questions I am most interesting in the answer too are how long has the tank been running (if you have emptied it and washed out the filter at any point that counts as when you started it)

pH - I need to know this number - not just that the LFS checked it and said it was fine.

How much flow - what filter are you using is their a strong current in the tank?

I also see in your other thread that you have 6 corys - how long have they been in their and what size is your tank?

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