Deformed fry? :-/


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
Since my platy fry have been getting larger lately, I've been watching them and think I have discovered something unfortunate. The smallest one seems to have a deformity in his tail... :( It's hard to explain but let me try...

It looks like he doesn't have the top half of his tail, but I think it's actually a whole or almost whole tail that is just pointed downwards. His body looks fine except for being smaller then the others. I think maybe he's just the runt. He swims so-so, he is usually hanging out near the bottom, but he does get around ok. He seems to get along pretty darned good, considering. He swims almost as fast as the other ones, but his tail has to be pumpin pretty hard!

From what I see, that he's able to move and I think he's eating, is that I don't need to terminate him unless things get worse. Do you guys agree? I think I'll try to keep him if he grows up... doubt anyone else will want him.. :/ Poor little fishie (lol might even be a girl, I don't know).. anyways, I think he's cute and I just want him to have as normal as a life as possible. Any suggestions for how to help him out, or any similiar probs? Thanks guys.
hi there julie

one of my guppy fry had a bent spine from birth - was also the runt -_- I ended up just keeping her with some of the old fish in the retirement tank and not breeding from her as wasn't sure if she would pass that on to any offspring

She didn't live as long as some of my guppies (probably cos she was a piglet over food) but it seemed to be a happy life :D and boy was she boss of her tank
Since corrective surgery is out of the question (probably a tiny bit hard to find a surgeon for guppies!) I don't really think there is anything you can do to help it. In all "litters" of fry there are runts. Sometimes they are just smaller and sometimes they have birth defects like yours seems to be. As the fish get older the runt will have a harder time competing for food and for swimming space. Some people suggest putting them out of their misery. You could also try to isolate the fish so that you can make sure it is getting enough food. Or you could just leave it alone and see how things develop.

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