December 2014 - Tank Of The Month Competition Entries

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Jul 16, 2013
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Oxfordshire, UK
Entries for December's Tank of the Month is now open

Please start posting entries and nominations for the December 2014 competition here.

Please note that a dated verification picture must be provided or the entry will not be accepted.

The standard of the entries in the competition so far has been very high, so lets keep them coming please!

If you have not done so already, please read the rules before submitting a nomination or entry.

The December competition will close for entries and nominations on ~15th December 2014.
(As a side note: if there are less than 3 entries in a given month, the entries will be held over to the following month's competition.)
My tank, not very impressive but I have worked hard on it haha :)


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Oh my look what I am up against haha I don't have a hope in hell, but I must say stanleo that is very impressive :)
nofishinginmytank said:
Oh my look what I am up against haha I don't have a hope in hell, but I must say stanleo that is very impressive
You never know :lol:
Usually is a takes a few goes with aquascaping before you become more adept at this. Though nothing wrong with your tank at all ;)
My first tank was awful :lol:
Oh thanks guys, that means a lot!
Lets keep these entries coming in folks

Less than a week to go
Really?  At the top it says it will close for entries around the 15th December.
daizeUK said:
Really?  At the top it says it will close for entries around the 15th December.

My head is not screwed on this week :x
For some reason i got this mixed up with voting polls.... :x
Apologies everyone, Daize is quite correct that entries will close on 15th December not next week which is the voting polls that will close next week!
My freshly algae free 2 foot tank

The viney things are the stems my Amazon swords and aponogetons have sent out. They're growing more plants on them. There are like 4 small Amazon sword plants on each stem and flowers on the aponogeton stems. No idea what I'm gonna do with them. :lol:
And my verification:

Excellent looking tanks Stanleo and nofishinginmytank! :)
Nice to see you entering the comps TT :)
Yeah, very clean looking. I'd anchor these stems on the substrate and let the plantlets root
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