Debris In My Water?


New Member
Jul 16, 2010
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Hello All. Can anyone help with a water issue? I have a 180 litre tropical tank, with an Aqua One 1000 Canister Filter. For the last couple of weeks my water has had debris floating in it - hard to describe - kind of looks like bits of wet white tissue flying about?! First thoughts were the filter so cleaned that - no change. Changed the filters today & its the same again. Help! Does anyone have any ideas to help please?
does your filter contain a fine filter pad/floss this will sort that out?
also make sure you place it below any biological media otherwise it may clog it up and cause problems to the good bacteria possibly causing a spike

when you say wet tissue big are we talking here?
Sounds like it might be algae from the hoses.
Thanks for replying Fish Fanatic & Fluttermoth. The debris is all different sizes, nothing really big - less than a 1p coin. The filter does have a pad/floss that sits in a separate tray from the biological media. 

when its in the water the 'debris' is white & when I take it out its black?
it's not algae forming on top of the lid of tank and falling in something like that?
I still think it's something from the hoses (or spray bar, if you have one fitted).

The loose algae that comes from there nearly always has that tissue paper appearance (as it grows in thin sheets on the inside of the pipes).
Ditto FM, clean out the filter pipes that should stop it :)
I've been running my filter with no floss at all for the past three months just coarse medium and fine sponges, water is now actually cleaner and clearer than it's ever been and the flow rate is noticeably increased. Agreed with those who suggest Algae/bacterial film, though could be un eaten flake food for some reason my fish leave the yellow flake till they can't find anything else to eat!
Thanks very much everyone for the 'diagnosis' & helping me out.
The tank has a spray bar at the top as well as hoses. I'll be heading to buy new hoses this week - fingers x'd that sorts it - feel sorry for the poor fishes :( Cheers All :)
It's very unlikely it'll be doing any harm to your fish.

You probably don't need to buy new hoses, just clean out the ones you have. A piece of string with a weight on the end can be fed down the pipe, then tie a cloth on and pull it back through

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