Death Of The Filter

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Mar 11, 2011
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About a week ago I think my filter stopped working after I performed a little spring cleaning on the tank. I thought I got it going again by adjusting the position (it is a filter that hangs off the back of a small tank). The water deteriorated at an amazing rate so I did a quick dash to the store today to grab a new one. The gent at the shop recommended an internal filter, which I don't mind as it is nicely hidden behind some plants. It is a small sponge filter.

I was running the old filter, along side the new filter, as a little tiny stream of water was circulating, but it is now completely dead. I am wondering what is the best option to ensure to keep the media levels does not drop too low. I can not see how I am put any of the old filter material across to the new filter. Would it be worthwhile just to put the old filter material (charcoal and plastic) into the tank?
Is it the type of sponge filter you can remove the sponge from and put the old media into? If so, I would highly recommend doing so.

The bacteria only really work when there's water flowing over them. Just putting it in the tank probably won't do much good, though it's better than nothing. Try hanging it by the filter output or put an airstone underneath it if there's no way of putting it inside the filter.
If you definitely can't get the old media in the new filter, another idea you could do is get a clean pop sock, but your old filter media in it, and position it over the flow of the new filter. Leave it for a few weeks, and it should seed your new internal. It's worked for me, although it might look a bit unsightly for a few weeks :good:
If the tank has been running for a few month's ,,there will be enough bacteria on substrate (largest surface area in our tank's)and removing the old filter will prolly not affect the fishes (can test every couple day's).
If the tank is still new, and has not cycled,,then I agree with placing old media from broken filter in mesh bag, or nylon,and hanging it near the output from sponge filter.
Thanks Guys, The tank been running for a couple of years now, but recently sifted/cleaned the substrate. I tested the water this morning and it is a little off so I have put the filter into a mesh bag and hung it so water from the outlet runs through it.

I can not believe how clear my water is now, I don't think the old filter was working at full capacity for some time, The gourami seems to love using the current from the new filter to play in.... it is very cute. I cannot wait until I can restock!

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