Dead Oto


Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
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So, It's very rarely for me to get dead fish now that my tanks pretty solid. I only moved over to otos from corys and a BN a few days ago (swapped due to going HG)
Anyhow I found a oto with white eyes today under my wood, 1 is missing and the other two look healthy.
Could it be my other fish bullying them or is it just a case of bad luck?
I've struggled to keep these in the past. From what I've read they can get very stressed during transportation. Many places recomend that if you see a newly stocked tank in a shop then leave it a week before buying them. Also check their stomachs before buying, if the stomach is concave they may already be under nourished. I get the impression mortality rates are high. They also don't appear to compete very well for food with other fish so dropping in algae wafers etc after lights out might help them.
Thanks Dave, I count 3 so yea one died in the first 2 days which is a shame but hopefully the rest will get on okay.
I've read the same things as dave.  Just a sensitive fish 
Ive bought ten in the last two months and only one survived. ive been out and bought another five yesterday but this is my last attempt i spent over an hour aclimatizing them and kept them in the dark for the first evening/nite. this morning they are all alive yaay! they have been in the shop for 3 weeks so im hoping these guys are survivors.... ive read after one month survival rates dramatically improve
Sheesh, There not hardly fish then. Oh well, Worth a shot if not I tried XD
I've not had a problem is Oto's. I had 4 at one point in a small 6 gallon tank and admittedly they did die after a bit due to ageing but I had one soul survivor who lived for a long time alone. I did try upping the numbers as they died but nope, this last remaining one didn't want friends apart from the Bumblebee Goby that he lived with.
I'm also surprised people have problems with them. I have had the same three Otos in my 60 litre tank since I first got it.
Maybe it's food - put in an algae wafer after dark, and that does work well. 
NeonSagaris said:
I'm also surprised people have problems with them. I have had the same three Otos in my 60 litre tank since I first got it.
Maybe it's food - put in an algae wafer after dark, and that does work well. 
I used to feed mine at the same time as everyone else and they got Tetra Wafer Mix not algae wafers as they had the algae in the tank as well so they got their algae and then they got all their other nutrition and stuff from the Wafer Mix :)
I got 6 ottos I think there a lot tougher then what people think did u have algae in the tank? I had a hard time getting them to take wafers tho but got them on them after about 2 weeks. Iv had them about 6/7 months with no problems and I have min of 50 nitrate from my tap water

Altho people struggle with different fish for instants I can't keep neons lol
I think the issue is the source.  I have no trouble with neons!  lol
I cannot keep Swordtails alive for the life of me! The longest living Swordtail in my tank was a female that lived for 2 weeks. 2 Weeks!
I can keep oto's and Neons easily, though I don't particularly like neons...
The thing is most of us are trying to keep algae free tanks which is their natural source of food. In my experience they don’t compete well for food with other tank mates, even algae wafers. Until I kept them in a shrimp only tank I never saw mine eat food I’d put in, these ones now eat wafers with the shrimp.
davemings said:
The thing is most of us are trying to keep algae free tanks which is their natural source of food. In my experience they don’t compete well for food with other tank mates, even algae wafers. Until I kept them in a shrimp only tank I never saw mine eat food I’d put in, these ones now eat wafers with the shrimp.
I always had algae in mine and even still mine came out and fought off the betta for theirs :lol:
I'm had planned to get 4 oto's in about a month but not so sure after reading this. Might stick with my original plan and get a BN pleco.

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