Dead Clown Loach


Fish Fanatic
Nov 27, 2011
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Evening all hope things are well. I have now lost two clown loach, one tonight and one last night. I've noticed one of my other ones is acting ok but seems to have sort of very small grayish marks on it. The clown loach I found tonight smelt very bad but my water smells like normal. Please help with any ideas
We do need to look at your water stats please.

Sorry for your losses.

Where is the grey mark on the fish?
Check your fish for tiny white spots?
Does the grey mark have excess slime, or mucas?
Any redness, or pink areas to the grey mark?
Does the grey mark have any white edging?
Amy signs of flicking and rubbing, darting, gasping, laboured breathing?
the grayish marks look like flaking after sunburn if that makes senses and it's all over the body including tail fin. I've checked for white spot and haven't seen anything. His breathing seems normal but has made a few dashes. Eyes at the mo seem ok and no redness that I'm aware of. The rest of the tank seem well. : s not sure about the slime as cannot really tell.
Immediate water change,
We do need to look at your water stats please. As flaky skin can be caused by bad water quality,. Need to rule it out.
Does the skin look like it peeling away, with redness beneath the skin.
There's no redness but it does look like its peeling. I will have the tests up in the next few mins
OK. I will wait. :good:
Hi sorry for the wait my GH 180 KH 240 PH 7.5 No2 0 No3 40

This is the first time I've done my own testing
Are you using liquid test kits?
Do you have a ammonia test kit?
No I've got the API 5 in 1 test strip kit. Will a filter test kit check for ammonia?
I would invest in some liquid test kits as test strip cards are not that accurate.

I would preform a water change.
Add some myxazin by waterlife to the tank.
Also take a sample of your tank water to the LFS for testing. Ask the LFS if they wouldn't mind writing the readings down for you.

Keep a look out for these symptoms.
Flicking and rubbing.
Gasping at surface of tank.
Laboured breathing.
Tiny white spots.
Excess slime.
Ok thank you I've just done around 75ltr water change. I've just found another clown loach dead in some rocks. Il have to wait til weekend for buying a test kit and getting the Lfs to check my water. Thank you again for your help. Il post the new results at the weekend
Bless Him.

Sorry for your loss.

Hope things start to improve for you.

Good Luck.
Most fish keepers will go throw a bad patch sometimes. You learn by your mistakes.
There lot to learn. You never stop learning.

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