Day 8, What Should I Do?


Mostly New Member
May 29, 2014
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Hello guys I've been cycling my tank for 8 days now, my readings are 3ppm ammonia, 5ppm Nitrite, and 5ppm Nitrate. I put a filter and a few other things from my other tank in there to speed up the process just wondering what my next step might be?
What few other things to speed up cycle did you put in?
Cycling a tank can take 35-40 days, if not longer. Best way to speed this process up is the seed your filters with material from established aquariums. You could also try products like Tetra Safe Start. What method are you using to cycle your tank?
Also, what have you done so far? Nitrite would indicate your ammonia eating bacteria is starting to populate, but you should have seen a drop in ammonia if this is the case.
If you could give an outline, e.g. day 1 added 3ppm ammonia, day 2 did nothing etc that would help us.

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