Damsel Fly Larvae, In The Tank!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
Scarborough, UK
Hi there,

It would appear that my girl friend has found a Damsel fly larvae in her 30 liter biob!! I take it that it's not a good thing to have in there whats the best way to deal with it?

I'm going to get this one out but is there lightly to be more?

We have had a lot of fish die in this tank could this be the reason?

Thanks for any help you can give.

Best thing to do with it is put it in a pond or something; damselflies are beautiful, it would be a shame to kill it.

They would only attack very, very small fish or fry, but they would also tackle bigger fish if they were sick for any reason.

There aren't lkiely to be any more.
Best thing to do with it is put it in a pond or something; damselflies are beautiful, it would be a shame to kill it.

They would only attack very, very small fish or fry, but they would also tackle bigger fish if they were sick for any reason.

There aren't lkiely to be any more.

Well that's what I ended up doing with it, I put it in a nice big pond were there's plenty of plants, so I think it should be alright there.

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