Dalmation Mollies


New Member
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Teesside, UK
Hi there, I'm new to the forums, and new to keeping fish lol.
Only had my tropical tank 2 weeks now, had it tested and such and have had fish for a week.

So was advised being a beginner that mollies were good, along with danios, neons, etc.
So we got 3 mollies, I've looked online and turns out one is male and 2 female, my male has been chasing one of the females in particular.
Now my question is, is she pregnant, she looks bigger than the other female, how do I tell if she is?
What do I do if she is? I'm totally not ready for baby fish!

I managed to get a pic of her if that helps.
Here's the pic:


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that molly looks pregnant to me, you can tell when she is about to give birth because her belly will square off, if you want to keep the babies i suggest putting the female into a plastic breeding tank when she is ready (when she is ready she will look huge and her belly will kind of look square, and the male will harass her more then usual) then once she has had the babies in the breeding tank then leave her for 24 hours in there to let her calm down and pop her back into the big tank. What i have done is bought a little plastic breeding tank for the females to give birth in and then took her out 24 hours after the birth and let the babies swim in the plastic tank for 3 to 4 days, then i bought a larger breeding net to put the fry in after a few days so they have more room to swim and grow, then they can be released into the large aquarium when they have roughly doubled in size so they wont get eaten. If you don't want the babies then the chances are they will get eaten within hours of being born, if you have a lot of cover in your aquarium then a few may survive but it is unlikely.
Welcome to our forum Bright Star.
Your female does indeed look like she is carrying fry. I posted this thread to help people judge the state of their fish. It follows my female molly from one drop to the next along with tons of pictures and commentary. The idea is that you can see your own fish far better than we can and you will know if you just fed her or it has been a few hours, etc. These are just some of the things that complicate judging development progress.
Oh wow, thanks for that, will definitely bookmark that, it will come in really handy.
Really appreciate all the help :)

And well done with the name ;)

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