Dalmatian Molly Issue


Mostly New Member
Aug 29, 2014
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 Hello all.  I just had my water tested at the local petstore. they used the drops, not the test strips and they stated my water was perfect.  I have had this molly for close to 5 weeks.  she usually looks like this for a day or two than is normal. she has looked like this for about a week now. this molly has been eating,  and swimming for the most part.  Can someone tell me what might be wrong with this one? 


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Sorry but I really cant see whats wrong with her :/ How is she behaving? What is it that is making you think that something is wrong? :) Hope I can help 
 in the pictures her back fin is dragging and curling. so far she had laid on the rocks, than swims, than lays again. 
oh, how long have you had her for? When my sister got her two they acted weird for about 2 weeks, swimming at the top, breathing fast, laying on the gravel etc. but after a little while they started acting more like mollies and coming out more often, now they are lovely little fish, i think they just struggle settling in :) if you are worried you can buy some fishy medecine for her and add it to your tank, it will say how much on the bottle :)
Please don't add any medicine until you know what is wrong with the fish.

The LFS says your water is perfect. Can you take them a sample, ask them to test again, and then write down all the numbers for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate?

What is your full stock? Size of the tank? Temp? Did you fishless or fish-in cycle the tank?

Any other symptoms? Any fish displaying odd behavior?
 I haven't added any medicine this time. previously I was told by petsmart to use melaxfax since some fins on my guppies were missing  from our dwarf gourami.  our tank has been cycled with fish, this one was in the tank we had when we were cycling. her partner died around 2 weeks ago. I believe the fish I purchased from petsmart were sick, since they died. 

I have noticed the 5 platys I had are hiding a lot more. I'm not sure if the additional tetras that were added have scared them. today I purchased more platys to see if they will come out and play. 

I have disturbed the tank a lot, perhaps too much so I think it might be stress.  this molly has been like this since I got her 5 weeks ago, it's always on and off. I have read that they are sensitive. 
Yeah it could just be stress, I would continue treating them with the medecine as it says to on the bottle and leave for a week to see if you see any changes, hopefully they will calm down, everyone will settle in and they will start acting more normal and coming out to play :) Hope your tank can return to normal soon 

Oh and about what you about the platies, it took my platies about 4 weeks to settle in before they came out and now they are lovely little fishies, just keep treating them and let them settle in and I am sure they will be fine, its probably stress related 
I would ask the LFS for specific readings of the water parameters, as often "perfect" Is not quite perfect. 

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