Daisys Rice Fish


Fish Crazy
Apr 5, 2011
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has anbody kept and bred these. picked up 6 today. was ment to be 8 but guess 2 died while waiting to be ready for sale
I got them at work, they are 100% completely underrated!! They are a perfect fish! Completely tolerant, very friendly, beautiful and nicely shoaling! The more you have, the better they will look :)
yes they seem very easy going. i have mever seen them before. if they do well in my system i may get more if they come in again
You may not need to; Oryzias spp are very easy to breed.

Be sure you have lots of Java moss for the females to lay their eggs in, and some floating plants (I used Indian fern) for the fry to hide in. As/when you find fry, put them into a breeding trap and rear them there. You can also pull off strands of Java moss with eggs on, dump them in the breeding trap, and take things from there.

And yes, ricefish are outstanding fish, and I do hope we see a lot more of them in aquarium shops. They're great companions for shrimps; my cherry shrimps breed freely with the ricefish and neither seems to cause problems for the other.

Cheers, Neale

yes they seem very easy going. i have mever seen them before. if they do well in my system i may get more if they come in again
I always got them as a nice alternative to the Lampeyes which have a tendancy for being a lot more tempermental and in ordering an 'XL' specimen from a wholesaler, you'll be lucky to get one bigger than 3mm which is just stupid.

Ricefish are lovely :) and O. woworae (spelling?) are just stunning, even as ricefish go! The males have taken a little while to get full colours but now have blood red fins and tail and lovely solid pastel blue bodies (tend to go slightly tanslucent when unsettled).

I agree with neil, its certainly about time we saw more of them! And definately time more people showed and interest, we havent sold many :(

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